Thursday, November 8, 2007

Evil Subsidizes Good

Here's an idea that is not my own but I read about it and want to share it. It seems there are many people in Utah who don't want to see alcohol served in restaurants. They may even complain if it is advertised or in place where their children can see such an evil thing. And yet, not one of them complains about the lower price they pay for their food because the sale of alcohol subsidizes their food bill. Just something to think about next time?

This also reminds me of a semi-religious married couple I once knew. It seems that a certain Molly Mormon stay-at-home wife wanted to continue paying her half of the tithing after her more liberal minded Jack Mormon soul-providing husband decided to stop. Ironically, Molly continued to pay her half and reap all the blessings that the Lord provided. This included things like high esteem by the Lord's anointed, a temple card, church callings, and adoration by her chosen friends and family. And then she spent her husband's half of the tithing on anything that suited her fancy. Who is the selfish one in this situation? Another thing to think about.

It seems that the truth of the situation lies somewhere we would least expect it. Many of what many judge to be "Evil" in our society actually create wealth in some cases. More importantly they allow what many judge to be "Good" to cost less. How much less lower are the taxes for a righteous father of seven due to the fact that his hell bound gay neighbors are childless? Most accidents are caused by drunk drivers according to the news. But what would the Bishop who happens to be an auto insurance broker do if people stopped drinking? He'd most likely have to stop playing golf and start working.

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